Beard family - possible connection (General)

by pogle @, Tuesday, October 06, 2009, 09:31 (5634 days ago) @ peteressex

Hi PeterEssex from PogleSuffolk!

Not sure we have a connection although that's not to say further back than I've been able to go there isn't one.

My family lived in Regent Street Lydney. The other family names are Coslett which was passed to my mother's generation and Pullen which went as far as my grandfather's. Very few of the Beard family had children from my grandparetns generation onwards and can't find an ovbious to your lineage I'm afraid. Prior to that generation I've traced the family to other parts of Gloucestershire outside FOD.

This site has been brilliant in terms of the information available and the very helpful people who use the forum.

If you've exhausted what's here, not sure if you've seen the site of memorial inscrptions where Alf Beard has transcribed those in Lyndey cheurch. I found my g Grandparents details (Charles and Hannah) on the site. There are a few other Beards there too.

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