Freda & Arthur (Barnie) Meek (General)

by Sherrie63, Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 08:49 (5306 days ago) @ firefly

Hi, I'm afraid I can't help you much as I never knew him & Mum never told us much but here goes, Arthur married Freda Matilda Annie Meek in July 1931 & my mother was born in Oct 1931!!, They had two more sons in two years, the first Cyril (known as Jim) & Leslie, Freda died from blood poisoning after having Leslie she was only 21 & so Leslie was adopted out to Ida & Wilfred Parry who lived in Tetbury, Leslie changed his name to Parry, Ida may have been Arthurs sister. According to Mum Arthur was quite a mechanic & I think she said he worked for Walkleys in Cinderford.I dont know much about Arthurs second marriage although I did know he married someone called Cissy, I think I remember Mum mentioning a half Sister Margaret who she seemed quite close to. I have his birth, marriage & death certificate, it looks like he died from heart problems & on his death certificate he was listed as a steel turner. If you would like to view his family tree you can do this on . Anything you can tell me about Arthurs second marriage would be great as I can fill this in on my family tree, also if you have any photos etc as I only have one which you can also see on ancestry. Hope to here from you soon. Many thanks Sherrie.

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