Freda & Arthur (Barnie) Meek (General)

by Sherrie63, Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 20:59 (5305 days ago) @ firefly

Hi Brinley, all this information is brilliant after so long not knowing anything, Mum did re-marry, she had a daughter by her first husband whose surname was Bale ( dont know his first name) the daughter was called Rita, she now lives in Mile End she married Roger Hall & they have a son called Andrew. Rita made contact with Mum several years before she died as Mum lost custody of her when she divorced & I was able to finally meet her on Mothers day of all days the year Mum died (2007). Mum met & married my Dad Anthony Hopson & she had three more daughters Lynn(1960) me(1963) & Kim(1965), I may have made a mistake about the name Margaret, It may have been Valerie she used to mention, Its all a bit fuzzy now. Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1990 & although she had the all clear unfortunately it came back some years later & she died in Nov 2007. I have never met anyone who took so much suffering without ever complaining & I miss her dreadfully. You say your mother is supposed to be the spitting image of Mum I would love to see a photo if you have one & also I would love to see the photo of Arthur & Cissy. Please please keep in touch as this has opened up a whole new chapter to my family tree & I find it fascinating. Grateful thanks once again, Sherrie

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