Freda & Arthur (Barnie) Meek (General)

by firefly, Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 21:54 (5306 days ago) @ Sherrie63

Hi Sherrie,
WOW..... amazing, i never realised any of this. Spoke to my Nan earlier (marjorie) and she tried to fill me in on a few things. She thinks she remembers you as a very young child as she was very close to Beryll, did your mum re-marry?. She lost contact with Beryll when she moved up to Nuneaton (Midlands) and was very upset when she found out she had passed away. Did'nt find out until quite recently or else she would of made the effort for the funeral. You mentioned Arthur working for walkleys but Nan remembers him working for Fielding and Platts in gloucester and being sent home from work poorly the night he died. To fill you in on the rest of the tree, Arthur married cissy bluette and had five more children, Marjorie, Elizibeth (Betty), Gerald, Patricia and valerie. They are all still going strong and most still live Cheltenham way. I asked my Nan of any photo's but she only has the one of her Mum and Dad with neighbours. Just to let you know my Mother Kay, is suposed to be the spitting image of Beryll. Hope you find this as facinating as i do. Brinley(firefly)

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