BOWERY Thomas and Ana of Newent (General)

by daisymae, Sunday, September 19, 2010, 23:10 (5277 days ago) @ john vaughan

Hi John, I've just read your message thanks for that, I have the Information on my Grandparents Thomas and Emily, They married 20th Nov 1904 at Gloucester St Michaels Church,

I have their Childrens names and dates of birth, also the dates they married,
My Mum was Edith Ida born 29th Jan 1908 in Manchester, Uncle Edward'eddie' was Born 13th March 06 in Gloucester, the rest down the forest, I think the Uncle you refer to was my Uncle Cliff who Married Marjorie Turley,

I remember when my Grandparents lived in the Square we had some lovely Holidays with then as Children,

I have Emilys Mother as Ida Kate Hook but nothing else for her, I have Emilys Step Dad as William Dorney, No mention of her natural father,!

The one I'm trying to get Information on is Thomas Henry's Mother who came over here from Spain when she married his Dad while in the Army out in Gibraltar, They lived in Newent the Glass Houses, I was hoping someone who might have had a Grandmother or Grandfather living at that time was ever told stories about Ana Bowery as they say she was a lovely Lady who couldn't really speak 'proper English,' Story has it that she 'Helped deliver the Babies born there. and told lovely stores about her 'pig and chickens'.

Did you live in the Square? If you have any photos of any of the Bowerys I'd love to
Have some or see some,

I remember Aunt Kath she was lovely also all the other Aunts and Uncles, with very fond memories,

best Wishes

Geraldine (Gerry)

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