Bowery family (General)

by willdonbow, Monday, November 10, 2014, 09:59 (3764 days ago) @ geraldineS

Hi I just stumbled on this thread and although I can see it's quite old I thought I'd say hello and introduce myself. I am William Bowery, my grandfather who I never met was also William, I did meet his brother Cliff many times who I noticed you mentioned in an earlier post. I have always been told the reason for my sister Elizabeth's Mediterranean appearance was due to my ggg? Grandmother called Anna Ramos being from Spain. Sorry I don't have more info on Anna but my gran Olive Emily Bowery is still going strong at 96 so ill ask her for more details and get back to you. If however you've have since posting found out all you needed to know then I would be very intrested in your findings as I have two little Bowery's of my own now and I'd love in the future for them to know from whom they descended.
ps. I'm sure you know both Thomas and Anna are buried in the graveyard in Parkend. Many thanks W D Bowery (Bristol)

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