Bowery family (General)

by geraldineS, Saturday, January 19, 2013, 01:42 (4425 days ago) @ geraldineS

I am researching my Bowery family Tree, I do have my all informaton on my Grand parents Thomas and Emily Bowery who lived in Parkend where i along weith my sisters spent many happy childhood Holidays, I Have my Great Grandparents down as G Grandmother Coming from Spain to Live after sh emarried my G Grandfather on the Rock of gilbraltar, This is the Ones i'm having problems with finding information, I no they lived at 'The Glass houses '' Newent? afetr my Great grandfather died she went on living there, I cant find out any more about her or her parents perhaps she spoke about them to other members of the family and this got passed down throught time!!!!
She was Known as Ana or Anna Bowery. Speaking very little english,
Also my Grandmothers maiden name was Hook? any hooks on here ?

Regards geraldine nee chaplin,

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