Nurse Hannah Head (Taylor) - Funeral report. (General)

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Monday, February 03, 2020, 15:03 (1866 days ago) @ Jan Baker

As briefly announced in our obituary column last week, the death occurred in the early hours of Sunday, December 29th, after a short illness, of Mrs. George Morgan (75), of Victoria Cottage, Staunton. The deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor of Coleford. She first married the late Mr. Alfred Head, a Londoner, who carried on business in the metropolis as a baker and confectioner. Owing to the latter's ill-health, Mr and Mrs. Head later came to Coleford to reside. The wife entered the nursing profession and became a certified midwife. She was more familiarly known as Nurse Head, her services being greatly in demand, and she nursed cases over a wide area extending from the Midlands to Cornwall, her many excellent qualities earning her numerous testimonials. Nurse Head married Mr. George Morgan in 1929, and is survived by him and by the two sons of her first marriage. The funeral on Tuesday, December 29th at All Saints’, Staunton, was conducted by the Rev. L. W. E. A. Kelly (curate), assisted by the Rev. F. J. Hearn (Baptist minister, Coleford), with Mr. Christie at the organ. The chief mourners were Messrs. G. Morgan (husband), George and Albert Head (sons), J. Hunt. (son-in-law), Ben Constant (nephew), Tom and Fred Morgan (brothers-in-law), Hubert Gwilliam and S. Brooks (nephews), Fred Morgan, Gloucester, Mrs. Walkley, Cromhall, Mrs. A. A. Head and Mrs. F Wintle. Messrs. C. H. Williams, Harold Barnett, S Davidson and A. Turbill acted as bearers, and Mr. S. Wignell. St. John Street, Coleford, carried out the funeral arrangements."


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