Alice HEAD and John HUNT, Chepstow (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, February 09, 2020, 02:20 (1860 days ago) @ Jefff

Record_ID: 151855
Entry_Number: 45
Year: 1922
Month: Feb
Day: 6
Grooms_Surname: HUNT
Grooms_Forenames: John
Grooms_Age: 40
Groom_Condition: Widower
Grooms_Occupation: Waggoner
Grooms_Residence: Redbrook
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: HUNT
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: Edwin
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Miller
Brides_Surname: HEAD
Brides_Forenames: Alice Elizabeth Ann
Brides_Age: 37
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Redbrook
Brides_Fathers_Surname: HEAD
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: Alfred
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Baker
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: Both sign
Witness_1: Edwin James Mitchell
Witness_2: Lillan Hunt
Other_Witnesses: Gertrude Midwinter
Officiating_Minister: R Hamilton Evered Vicar
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P227 IN 1/14
Page_Number: 23
Parish_Chapel: Newland
Soundex_Groom: H530
Soundex_Bride: H300

So Alice def born abt 1885.
and groom John Hunt (widower) born abt 1882, father Edwin(a miller) and maybe mother or sister Lilian.

Searching the PRs for Alice Elizabeth Ann Hunt's burial gives this possible ?;

Record_ID: 50093
Entry_Number: 486
Year: 1940
Month: Oct
Day: 1
Surname: HUNT
Forenames: Elizabeth Alice
Residence: 15 St Anns Street Chepstow
Age_at_death: 57
Officiating_Minister: Rev[erend] Canon D Hughes
Event: Burial
Memoranda: [1][Date of death] 27.9.40 [2]Consecrated ground Plot A [number of grave] 127
Notes: Place or Parish from which the Body was brought Chepstow. Signature of Person making the Entry of Burial M Turner
Register_Reference: G
Page_No: 61
Parish_Chapel: Chepstow Municipal Cemetery
Soundex: H530

So again confirms Alice born abt 1883.

FreeBMD confirms it's our Alice;

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Deaths Sep 1940 (>99%)
Hunt Alice E A 57 Chepstow 11a 22

Sadly she lost her husband several years earlier, I wonder why so young ?
This site doesn't have an Inquest for him. Neither can my admittedly short search find any mention of his death in the BNA old newspapers site.


Record_ID: 48661
Entry_Number: 60
Year: 1918
Month: Jan
Day: 26
Surname: HUNT
Forenames: John
Residence: 34 Lower Church S[tree]t Chepstow
Age_at_death: 42 years
Officiating_Minister: Rev[erend] D Hughes
Event: Burial
Memoranda: [1]Labourer [2]M[ale] [3][By whom Certificate was given under Burial Laws Amendment Act 1880] Alice Hunt [4][place of burial] Plot H [5][Consecrated ground] Yes
Register_Reference: E
Page_No: 3
Parish_Chapel: Chepstow Municipal Cemetery
Soundex: H530

So suggests John was actually older than he claimed in his marriage day, born abt 1876.

No matches in the FoD PRs.



So Alice is buried in Chepstow Cemetery, Plot A, grave 127. I think this is the same cemetery but not certain.

The Cemetery Service is managed by the Cemeteries Officer, tel 01873 735852,


For completeness perhaps someone could please lookup Alice & John in the 1939 Register, thanks.

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