Nurse Hannah Head (Taylor) - Funeral report. (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Saturday, February 08, 2020, 18:48 (1861 days ago) @ Jan Baker

Hi again Jan,
thanks for your additional information, very helpful and interesting. I'm especially pleased you say how following FH you learn about other aspects of our history we didn't know about. I agree wholeheartedly, and think it a shame many folk just want to quickly chase names and dates as far back in time as possible. Indeed this is why my own family trees are till far from completion, as I find myself going sideways researching the bigger picture rather than back in time...
One subject that's always interested me since childhood is marine history, and since moving to West London in the mid 1980s messing about in boats, both on the Thames and elsewhere, has been a big part of my life. Yet I'm ashamed to say your first mention of the sinking of the Princess Alice passed under my radar. I've just been reminding myself of this event, still Britain's worst disaster on inland waters with upwards of 700 lives lost ! At least a lot was learnt from the subsequent inquiries with many positive actions moving forward.... perhaps Alfred's continued use of the name Alice was a deliberate effort on his part to commemorate not just his wife but also the ship and all the other poor souls lost that evening. It's good to see the name Alfred was also continued in your family.


Regarding searching the graves of your ancestors, we posted Hannah's burial record earlier, at Staunton. (The one twixt Monmouth & Coleford, not to be confused with Staunton near Corse on the far northeast of the Forest).

Record_ID: 337404
Entry_Number: 647
Year: 1935
Month: Dec
Day: 31
Surname: MORGAN
Forenames: Hannah Maria
Residence: Staunton Coleford Glos
Age_at_death: 75 years
Officiating_Minister: L W E Aylmer Kelly Asst Curate
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: PFC310 1/11
Page_No: 81
Parish_Chapel: Staunton
Soundex: M625

Staunton church isn't included within the Memorial Inscriptions section of this site.

Searching for prior mentions of this Church within this forum gives these notes from 2017, happily all the links still work, hopefully it will help you.

"Re the burials in Staunton All Saints, I suggest you contact the church well in advance of your visit, hopefully they will be able to assist in locating the grave. Also don't forget that sadly many Churches lock their doors these days unless expecting visitors.


For background info see

You might consider buying this GFHS cd in advance, it might help, unless of course any other forum members already have it and can please do a lookup for you."

Online photos and Streetview images suggest the graveyard is well-kept and in good upkeep, so hopefully you can find the grave. I see there are other Morgans there too, I don't know if relations or not. Some of them have been named on the Find-a-Grave site page, but sadly not yours, yet.

Staunton is also the final resting place of world-famous engineer and metallurgist David Mushet, who along with his son Robert Forrester Mushet performed important pioneering work in steel-making at the Whitecliff and Darkhill ironworks, I see mentions of the Morgan name ? in these pages.


A George Morgan, Blacksmith, is listed in this Staunton Trade Directory from 1927, a possible relative, perhaps ?


As posted earlier here is Alfred Head's burial record, at Coleford Cemetery.

Record_ID: 77975
Entry_Number: 2954
Year: 1928
Month: Jan
Day: 12
Surname: HEAD
Forenames: Alfred
Residence: Retired Baker
Age_at_death: 87
Officiating_Minister: Rev[eren]d C H M Fasson
Event: Interment
Memoranda: (1) 33 Newland St[reet] Coleford (2) [not stated] (3) CC 18 (4) Consecrated (5)
Register_Reference: DA25 / 204 / 30
Page_No: 47
Parish_Chapel: Coleford Cemetery
Soundex: H300

Record_ID: 75812
Entry_Number: 808
Year: 1885
Month: Jan
Day: 4
Surname: HEAD
Forenames: Alfred and James
Residence: Son of Alfred Head and Hannah his wife
Age_at_death: 2
Officiating_Minister: Thomas Williams
Event: Interment
Memoranda: (1) Coleford (2) South Div'n 1/2 Adults Gr (3) F 32 west (4) Unconsecrated (5)
Register_Reference: DA25/204/2
Page_No: 41
Parish_Chapel: Coleford Cemetery
Soundex: H300

Sadly this cemetery doesn't seem to be in the aforementioned GFHS cd.

More Cemetery info here, which helpfully advises we have a plan on this FoDFHT website.

For plan etc see

Also see

Hopefully the Memoranda and possibly Register Reference details within the PRs will help locate the graves within the cemetery.


Re daughter Alice's final resting place, altho we did post her marriage to Edwin Hunt, that line needs further research...

speak again later, thanks again, Jeff.

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