DNA almost perfect match (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 19:09 (5805 days ago)

I have had paternal DNA testing

Parental DNA test

With my involvement with the Watkins FHS DNA Project I have gained a reasonable knowledge of DNA testing. The parental DNA test of yourself would not be able to help you link your results to your distant ancestors. A parental test, as the word implies, determines a biological relationship between a father/mother and their child.

Y-DNA - Male Test

This is the DNA test used with genealogy as the Y-chromosome element of DNA passes from father to son basically unchanged.

Males can test their Y-DNA to determine the origin of their paternal line. Note that the Y-DNA test strictly checks the paternal line, with no influence from any females along that line. Females do not receive Y-DNA, and therefore females cannot be tested for the paternal line. If you are a female and would like to know about your paternal line, you would need to have a brother or a male relative from that line tested.

DNA Results

Very often what some people consider a close DNA match is in reality not a close match at all. If you have results of Y-DNA - Male Tests please send them to me as I shortly intend to add a DNA section to our website and I may also be able to help you further in determining if they are a close match.

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