Forest of Dean DNA Group (General)

by Richard Hulan @, Monday, February 13, 2012, 17:53 (4770 days ago) @ admin

This seems a reasonably good thread on which to mention the fact that the "People of the British Isles" project -- which has sampled the DNA of about 4,000 mostly rural persons, as focused control populations -- included the Forest of Dean (paired with Oxfordshire) as the source of DNA samples to represent the ancient population of central Britain. Over the next decade or so, the results of this very large scientific investigation will be published; the first paper has already appeared, in the European Journal of Human Genetics. Note that this url links to a downloadable PDF document, not a website:

Eventually, this project is going to influence the perception of DNA studies in the popular press. When you read about it somewhere, and see a coded table or graph with the symbol CN (for Central Britain -- as distinguished from Orkney, Cornwall, Kent, etc.) you should be aware that that's the home team. Much more information about the People of the British Isles (PoBI) project is available from its website, here:

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