Forest of Dean DNA Group (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, April 19, 2009, 20:48 (5800 days ago) @ Roger Griffiths

Dr. Colleeen Fitzpatrick PhD has a very informative website which explains why DNA can be your most valuable research tool. You will find all the answers to the questions you have asked in an easy to understand way.

If they exist at all, documents can record exact relationships. Yet documentation can be misleading and contain erroneous information. In contrast, DNA can only tell you that two people are related. It cannot tell you the exact nature of the relationship, but DNA cannot be destroyed or changed, and it is never "wrong".

The reason why I have directed you to her website is because Colleen has a great knowledgeable of DNA and has written a book titled DNA & Genealogy.

I am also a member of the Fitzpatrick Study group because my own DNA tests give me very close matches to many people with the Fitzpatrick surname throughout the world. It is certain that somewhere in the past 300 years in my direct male lineage the surname was Fitzpatrick.

If we could get enough people interested in having their DNA tested we could form a Forest of Dean DNA Group of our own which would lead to answering a lot of unanswered questions which have been posted here in the forum. This new technology is with us and is available to all of us, so why not use it!

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