Samuel Cresswell marriage (General)

by Nickya, Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 03:52 (5868 days ago) @ Amycakes

Hi there

I believe that Samuel Cresswell did not marry Rosina/Rosanna until 1843, and not in the Forest of Dean (although I believe he was from there and moved back there), but in Gloucester. Volume 11 page 412 of the BMD records for Glos of 1843 will show that in all probability Samuel (not very helpfully Criswell here!) married Rosanna Davis. This may not be the same couple but the probability is high. Davis is not the easiest name to research but hope this helps!

Samuel and Rosana/Rosina had another daughter Harriet born after 1843 who lived with Frederick Vallender, a 3-times great grandfather of mine, in Gloucester, in 1881. Her first daughter also called Rosina was born in the workhouse in Westbury on Severn 1871.

Hope this is helpful information.


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