Samuel Cresswell marriage (General)

by Nickya, Thursday, February 12, 2009, 00:49 (5866 days ago) @ Amycakes

Hi Jackie

Thanks for all that wonderful information, it's very informative indeed. I'm so glad that Rosina married and had children, as I said, I lost track of her. It's interesting what you say about Gertrude Maud. My Granny, Edith Gertrude Tooth/Elliot, always said that she was named after 'two aunts'. Now, we knew about Edith Westbury, her mother Elizabeth's youngest sister, but I couldn't find a Gertrude. Then I discovered Gertrude Maud, and now I know that she must have been the one. It makes sense that Gertrude was brought up by her half-sister Fanny Vallender/Westbury. Fanny was old enough to be her mum, born in 1857. My great grandma Elizabeth Sarah Westbury was born in 1876. Gertrude would actually have been my Granny's great aunt, although only three years younger than Elizabeth.

Don't know how much my Granny knew about the relationships-maybe she thought that Gertrude was her mother's sister. I never thought to ask (one doesn't when one's a youngster).

Fanny Westbury died in 1924.

It's great to know about the Cresswells too, even though they aren't blood-relations to me. Thanks for telling me about Ben Lowe, too.

Frederick Vallender has fascinated me, he was married four times. I'm not sure that he married Harriet though, having said that.

Thanks for your e mail address, I will use that in future. I think that we've had some contact through Genes Reunited.

Take care

Nicky Archer

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