Phillip Powell, b abt 1822, Woolaston (General)

by Rebecca S, Monday, June 15, 2009, 13:18 (5741 days ago)


I am searching for any records on Phillip Powell b. abt 1822 in Woolaston.

The only record I have of him is from 1861 census

Where he is living in Llandaff, Wales, with second wife Maria and children -
Mary 9, Phillip 5, Eliza 3, Amelia 2 months. He was working as an Excavtor. He list his place of birth as Woolaston, Gloucestor.

I have seacrhed this site + ancestry for any parish records for his birth/chirstening but have found none. He does not seem to exist in 1851 or 1841 census. I am also searching for his first wife who is the mother of his first 3 children, but I have not found anything there either.
One possible marriage I found on Latter Day Saints website -
Phillip Powell and Sarah Ann Webster, Nov. 1844, Berkley, Gloucestor.

If anyone one is searching for the same people or might be able to help find any information I would really appreciate it :)


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