Phillip POWELL b abt 1822, Woolaston (General)

by Rebecca S, Monday, June 15, 2009, 23:42 (5740 days ago) @ slowhands

Hi slowhands,

That seems to make some some sense a marriage between Jane and Phillip. Their first child Mary was born abt. 1852 - so and 1851 marriage would fit.

Thankyou very much :)

Yes, I know - I need to locate the birth certs of their children but some of them are hard to locate with the family moving around alot between the births of their children so it's hard to be 100% sure if it's the right one.

I still can't find any baptism records which is frustrating.

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. I hope that you don't mind me asking where you found the information?

Thanks :) Rebecca

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