The info we give / find (General)

by fredb @, Tuesday, August 04, 2009, 12:56 (5690 days ago)

Hello - We all have asked for help with finding out details of family etc when researching, and people the likes of Slowhands are back in the blink of an eye with far more than you might have asked for, it's great isn't it.

But I've noticed some names on various county boards seem to always be there asking about someone new, and I began to wonder are these people being paid to research a family and then passing the burden of searching on to us, not so much me, but people like slowhands who clearly enjoy the search.

I've probably paid out several hundred pounds on membership to Ancestry and for certificates to get details, and I enjoy doing it, but it seems to me that sometimes people come to boards to avoid having to do the research themselves, and not all are "innocent" meaning they are told "Don't bother doing all that, ask on the boards and they'll tell you everything you want to know, and it won't cost you a penny"

I have no idea really why I'm posting this, it's not such a problem here is it?
I suppose it's simply down to good will and trust, as I'm stuck at home following an operation at the moment I spent more than half a day helping someone recently, she was lost and it gave me something to do, I even used up my left over 1911 credits and then thought of someone else I wanted to know about Grrrr. cheers Fred

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