The info we give / find (General)

by kiwiceltic @, New Zealand, Friday, August 07, 2009, 04:18 (5688 days ago) @ fredb

lol Fred I didn't feel uncomfortable by ur thread m8, infact I reckon you were spot on with what you said, as I have found when I given some ppl information or helped in treeing I felt like I was either sounding a know all or even a noob or newbie. If It wasn't for you guys I would never of come to know my FOD Famies who remained behind here. I am in awre of all you who have the insight and wisdom to share and pass on your great knowledge and I truelly respect all that you wonderful ppl have done and are doing to preserve our past generations for our future generations and beyond for all time. What you all are doing is a great access you all are helping to preserve history. As I live way down here at the bottom of the world and hope some day to visit The FOD, you all are my links to my ancestors and I am indeed indebted to you all for the many hours etc you give so freely in helping us all to achieve a accurate account of our past. Without all your mighty help I would be foundering and staring at a blank A4 paper and completely bald and probably mad as a snake twiddling my thumbs and going around in circles looking for openings to closed doors.
So cheers and huge hugs to all you wonderful great family historians, from one very greatful kiwi chick, becuase you found me Ivan, Barbara, Catherine, David H, David R, Cherryl, Richard J, Amanda and Robyn my FOD families.
I am so proud of my FOD Heritage, my journey has just begun and will only be complete when I am able to walk in The Forest of Dean myself, I then will know I am truelly home.

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