Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents? (General)

by bhendsbee, Saturday, September 12, 2009, 22:04 (5653 days ago) @ jimashton

Thanks Jim . Maybe Bertha can clear up about the 2 brothers : John born 1660 and Richard born ? in Ruardean .John is the one who married Mary Bradley and their son Richard, born 1701 , is about as far back as the Ruardean Parish records go , or what I can find . I need help !!! Who are the parents of these two ??

Since John Vaughan , born 1777, is my great great grandfather , I have a copy of his Will , dated 1857 . In it he says his sister , Mary Francis , can live in his property until her death , when his son John will take over the property . There is a record of Mary Vaughan, born 1768, marrying Thomas Francis and having a son , George Edward Francis (not sure of his birthdate). THEREFORE it is Mary Vaughan , born 1769, to John Vaughan and Elizabeth Bennett , who married John Thompson and had a daughter Elizabeth on Sept. 7, 1807 . Elizabeth then married her second cousin , John Vaughan ,born Jan 18, 1806 ,all in Ruardean . My family comes from this family .

Thanks ,
B Hendsbee

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