Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents? (General)

by jimashton @, Monday, September 14, 2009, 12:18 (5651 days ago) @ bhendsbee


I have added a new Thread : Replies to older postings, as your new input is buried in the mists of time.

I have pasted below an extract from my email to you for the benefit of the thread, if ever seen by anyone else :

A lot of John's Mary's & Elizabeth Bennett's etc.which I thought I had got cracked as the the wedding between John Thompson & Mary Vaughan was witnessed by Lettice Vaughan. Mary Vaughan, daughter of John Vaughan & Elizabeth Bennett had a sister Lettice, the second witness was John Bennett and of course the mother of Mary Vaughan 1769 was Elizabeth Bennett, my 6 times great aunt. Your will information seems to tell a different story.

Jim Ashton

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