Romany Gipsy HARRIS' from Forest of Dean (General)

by cnorris @, Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 05:48 (3247 days ago) @ mehaines82

Hi Melissa, great to hear back from you, it was rumoured in the family that our Harris' were the wellknown Harris family, the only one I could find were the Harris Funfairs based in and around the Midlands, I am the Great, Great, Great Grandaughter of John and Elizabeth, with our line running from their Son Thomas, when was James born as I have no record of him, it was rumoured that his Daughter Tamar Harris (my Great Grandmother) was if Gypsy decent, still trying to confirm this, Harris is also a wellknown Gypsy surname along with Collins (Elizabeth's maiden name) and I see 3 of her siblings were 'Tinmen' also a wellknown Gypsy occupation. Still lots to research, have you managed to go back with the Harris' beyond John and Elizabeth? Look forward to hearing from you again, cheers, Catherine.

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