Romany Gipsy HARRIS' from Forest of Dean (General)

by mehaines82, Friday, April 15, 2016, 14:20 (3243 days ago) @ cnorris

Hi Catherine, I'm still wondering if I’m looking at the same John and Elizabeth as you. My family had James' Will (no mention of parents though) and on James' second marriage in 1870 his father was John Harris Fireman.(which I took as a watchman), which I thought fitted with the census record. Also on Catharine's birth Cert. Father John is Forge man which also seemed to fit the census about the same time. My family also appear to have been in the Gospel Oak area of Tipton since at least 1841. (Thomas was born ab 1843)
I’ve had a look at the people you have mentioned and they seem to be from the Sedgley/Ruiton/Upper Gornal area of Dudley. This would put our families on opposite sides of Dudley. It could be that Thomas moved however he always puts Sedgley. I’ve only done a quick research on your family but couldn't find another Elizabeth and John in the area, I came across the following Census Records however that would mean that Thomas' parents would be Thomas and Nancy so I’m not sure and I’m still having difficulties tracing Thomas 1843 Tipton though he may have been born 1844. The West Midlands BMD site shows Thomas Harris 1843 Sedgley and Thomas Harris 1844 Tipton. I find this site useful to try and pin point people as Sedgley is in Dudley and Tipton is now in Sandwell yet when looking online both are registered as Dudley. Looking forward to hearing from you again. Melissa

1841 - Ruiton Sedgley Staffordshire

Thomas Harris 1810 Staffordshire
Nancy Harris 1806 "
John Harris 1834 "
William Harris 1836 "
Hannah Harris 1837 "
Joseph Harris 1840 "

1851 -Ruiton Lower Gornal Staffordshire

Thomas Harris 1814 Ruiton
Anne Harris 1809 "
John Harris 1835 "
William Harris 1836 "
Rosanna Harris 1838 "
Joseph Harris 1840 "
Thomas Harris 1843 "
Jeremiah Harris 1850 "

1861 - Ruiton Sedgley Staffordshire

Thomas Harries 1809 Sedgley
Nancy Harries 1805 "
Thos Harries 1843 "
Jeremiah Harries 1850 "
Mose Henry Harries 1858 " (Grandson)

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