John Cecil of Tidenham transported to Australia 1821 (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Saturday, April 24, 2021, 16:46 (1412 days ago) @ JOHN GILBERT

John CECIL born 1792

There are two John CECIL - Goal Records

Summer Assizes 1816

John CECIL - aged 24 ( 1792) -

John CECIL - aged 24 - committed April 20 1816, by Jonas Verelft Esq. charged on the oaths of /william thurfton and Elizabeth WATKINS on fufpicion of having forcibly entered the dwelling-houfe of the Rev Thomas THOMAS fituate at Tidenham, on the night of the 5th April, or early on the morning of the 6th day of April laft paft, and ftolen thereform, one tin pint, and feveral other articles, the property of the aforesaid Thomas THOMAS, Clerk.

The John CECIL - in 1820 is aged 34 (c1787)
Guilty of the 2nd inst. sentenced to be Transported for 7 years.

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