Wiltons of Newland (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Saturday, June 26, 2021, 06:53 (1333 days ago) @ ddambly


Another possible link to be explored supporting the theory of James Wilton being born in Bristol.
In the 1841 Census his occupation was described as "Superintends Sheet Iron Mill" . This would probably indicate he had many years experience in this industry. His earlier place of living was Whitchurch, Glamorgan and also Melingriffith being the place of baptism of some of his children.

Following is an extract from "Bristol and the Atlantic Trade in the 17th Century" by Kenneth Morgan. page 102.

" Richard Reynolds, James Harford, Richard Summers,William Cowles, James Geteld and Edward Garlick, all Bristol Merchants, were partners in the Melingriffith tinplate works, near Cardiff, the largest works of its kind anywhere in the late 18th Century..................
.......All in all, the industrial links between Georgian Bristol and South Wales were extensive enough for Cardiff to become virtually an economic suburb of 'the metropolis of the West' ".

Sid Toomey

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