John Holder Worgan (1835-1907). (Parish Records)

by jhopkins @, Thursday, August 05, 2021, 00:40 (1293 days ago) @ jhopkins

Here is the account of the John Worgan shooting in the Poverty Bay Herald in 1915:
"Private John Worgan, of Granity, who left with the Second Reinforcements of the Canterbury Infantry Battalion, and has been wounded at the Dardanelles, writes that he had just finished bandaging a New Zealander, who had a hole in his leg, when he (Worgan) was caught by a sniper's bullet. Coming out through the left breast the bullet struck his identity disc, pushing it along his chest and out through his coat, the disc making the biggest hole. He was taken to Southampton, the vessel by which he was travelling coming into collision with an Italian steamer during a fog near Gibraltar, and sending it to the bottom. Very little damage was done to the British steamer."

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