Croft Worgan DEW Yorkshire to Poolway House 1828 - 1889 (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 07, 2023, 05:15 (530 days ago) @ anthonyworgan

Western Mail, Glamorgan, Wales
Published Wednesday 23 July 1913


Interesting Propery in Dean Forest

“ Poolway House” Coleford, a quaint old structure, and one of the most ancient properties in the Forest of Dean, is to be sold by auction next Friday by Messrs. Rennie and Jones, Monmouth.

Etc, etc.

The house contains two rare old staircases, each of solid oak; the Floors are of polished oak, and many of the fireplaces are iof much interest..

In the front lawn a seat is fixed with the back formed out of an old fireplace, dated 1650.

Ar the bottom of the garden is a well known as “King Charles Well”.

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