Dr Abel (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Thursday, February 24, 2022, 07:49 (1113 days ago) @ Kate


The following should be of interest .

Kellys 1897 Directory for Gloucestershire shows :-

John Robert William Abel M.R.C.S, Eng. L.S.A. Surgeon and Certifying Factory Surgeon living at Forest Lodge, Micheldean.

1891 England Census shows

John Abel aged 65, Surgeon, living at Forest Lodge in Merrin Street, Micheldean along with his wife Harriett aged 62, a housekeeper and a groom.

Previous Census entries for Merrin Street show a Southward recording of entries with the Rectory and National School appearing before Forest Lodge and the Congregational Chapel appearing afterwards.

National Library of Scotland Ordnance Survey map of Micheldean shows the above locations.

Google View overlay of the Ordnance Survey map shows some buildings still exist and a Street view of the building on the East side on a corner intersection shows a "Forest House". Although this building is rendered, what looks like old stonework exists on the corner.

Looks promising to me.

Sid Toomey

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