Dr Abel (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Friday, February 25, 2022, 09:55 (1111 days ago) @ Kate

Re Joseph Abell's Army service.

Next, refer online to Harts Annual Army Lists.
"Special Reserves List and Territorial Forces List"
In the section "War Services of the Medical Officers" Medical Department on page 420
Mr Joseph Abell is mentioned . Apart from the engagements mentioned previously when he was in the Peninsular war, the following new information is listed.
Hospital Assistant..4th November 1805
Assistant Surgeon.. 10th April 1806
Surgeon.. 15th July 1813

next to his name is (55). look this up on following pages for the following information.

Served in Hanover in 1805.Served in America in 1814-1818 in the 7th Battalion of the 60th Rifles (Regiment of Foot).

The 7th Battalion is interesting. It was formed in 1813/4 because more manpower was needed and the existing Army was stretched in Europe chasing Bonaparte. Someone came up with the idea of forming a Battalion using Europeans, Germans, French and other Nationalities too go fight the Americans. There was a bit of a hiccup with all the languages spoken except English and the troops were trained previously in German or French drills etc.
After the American war ended the Battalion stayed in Canada on Garrison duty.
There is a book online dealing with this regiment . " A regimental Chronicle and list of officers of the 60th, or the King's Royal Rifle Corps, formerly the 62nd, or the Royal American Regiment of Foot" A mouthful i know but there is information in it about Joseph Abell.
The book carries a year by year listing of the places where the regiment was stationed or fought as well as a list of all the names of the officers year by year.
Joseph Abell is first listed in 1813 (15th July) and appears each year until 1818. Knowing that he was in the 7th Battalion there should be mention of its disbanding then and probably able to fine-tune where the 7th Battalion fought during that period.

I think that army Surgeons in the early 19th Century would have been close to the front line and probably still within their own Regiments lines rather than in hospitals. I think hospitals probably came later. I am sure there will be books written about the life of 19th Century Army Surgeons. He probably didn't have a rifle, just a saw and a strong stomach.
Of course all of my theorising might be proved inaccurate once his Record of Service is located. We might even find he spent much of his time in isolation fighting the 19th century equivalent of Covid.
I hope you find something of interest.

Sid Toomey

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