Dr Abel (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Thursday, February 24, 2022, 10:38 (1112 days ago) @ Kate

Hi Kate
My reply and some of the others relate to a John Robert William Abell Surgeon whose address in 1891 Census was Forest Lodge Mitcheldean.
Some further developments are that 1901 Census address for him was still Forest Lodge. However next entry was for "Forest House" where Francis Wintle and his wife Ann lived. Francis was a Brew Master & Miller. If you look at the photo gallery for Mitcheldean i think you will find photos of the Wintle family in Mitcheldean as well as street scenes.

I believe John Robert William Abell was a brother of your Joseph Abell who was baptised 15th May 1829. (transcription is on this sites Parish Records resource).

Joseph and John Robert William Abell's parents were Joseph Abell (Army Surgeon on half pay and private practice) and Mary Wilton Abell.

Joseph Abell (Senior) was born 1782 in Merrin Street.

31st August 1813 Assistant Surgeon Joseph Abell from the 49th Regiment of Foot was appointed Ensign in the 60th Regiment of Foot. I believe its name could have been "60th (Royal American Rifles) Regiment of Foot.

There is more that i haven't listed above.

Sid Toomey

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