Dr Abel (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Thursday, September 22, 2022, 05:31 (903 days ago) @ Billo

Thank you for your post. This is the same Thomas Abell. In the Officers Commission which is up for Auction on the Internet, there is mention of his being Commissioned in to Captain Leonard Gibbons Company of the 60th Regiment of Foot.
Other sources place both of these men in Capetown with the 1st Battalion of the 60th Regiment of Foot in 1813/1814.
National Archives Statement of Service for Lieutenant Thomas Abell (Who later died in India) shows that he served in Capetown.
The South African Calendar lists the names and ranks of members of the 60th Regiment of Foot who were there in 1813 etc.

Is he someone you are researching ?
A good discovery, i don't know how on earth you could have found it.

PS at this time, his brother Joseph Abell was also serviing with the Regiment but in a different Battalion and in Canada.

Thomas Abell obtained his Ensigns Commission by Purchase and his Lieutenancy by promotion, not by Purchase.
Joseph Abell obtained his by promotion not by Purchase.

Sid Toomey

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