Why and when did you start on family history? (General)

by kiwiceltic @, New Zealand, Sunday, January 11, 2009, 13:50 (5898 days ago) @ admin

I fall into the 5% kiwi group.
I started asking questions about my roots back in February 1974 as a High School Project.
We were given basic guidelines on how to set it out by the teacher. I was just turning 15 years old, I am now soon to turn 51 years old. I had been interested long before 1974 were my family roots had come from. Questions like were there any other twins in the families, why did my ancestors leave the old country etc. Some of the olds were supportive and gave me what knowledge and information they had eg old newspaper clippings of Hatch, Match and Despatches. But I also had families that were worried what deep dark secerts I might unearth. So alot of softly treading I made. I think some were hoping my interest would wane and disappear when that year of 1974 ended. Too late I was hooked. I say i would spend a good 24-36 hours a week give or take.
As I said I always had a keen interested in history and a love of Jigsaw puzzles, so i see this as the biggest jigsaw puzzle I have even done and will continue to seeks may roots to it's time to meet my ancestors in the great beyond.
Now I have found living family back in The UK and alot I have found on this FOD site has fueled me on saving to go and walk the land of my fore ancestors. To met Ivan, Cherryl, Catherine, Barbara, David H, David R, Amanda and Richard hopefully soon m8's Cuppa Tea white hold the sugar guys.

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