Why and when did you start on family history? (General)

by alison2 @, Monday, January 12, 2009, 11:26 (5897 days ago) @ admin

My Interest in Family History began when I was a Child, on wet, cold Sunday Afternoons sat around a Coal Fire, my Paternal Grandfather and his Brother would talk about things that had happened when they were young. They were such Good Story Tellers, that I became Hooked. When I tried to find out about my Mother's Family, she declined to talk about it. This only Fueled my Curiosity.

Three years ago, I changed jobs and found I had my evenings free, started to research my Family Tree. I now spend about 14 hours a week on line. Now I can't wait until I retire (3 yrs) to have time to do Field Research as well.

I have also made contact with Descendants of Family, who emigrated to New Zealand and we are now working together on the Tree.

This site is Fantastic.


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