Why and when did you start on family history? (General)

by Ian Jackson, Monday, January 12, 2009, 16:23 (5897 days ago) @ admin

I count as one of the 5% of Kiwis. My interest probably started when my father told me about his trip to UK as a member of the National Brass Band of NZ. He toured in 1953, but it wasn't until some years later (30 years) that he refound his diary and gave me an insight as to where "the family" had come from and telling me of his regret in not visiting the forest. We had copies of birth certificates, and some of the elderly family were still available to talk to.
The advent of the internet; this website of course: Google for helping me find my Scottish ancestors (The Adams of Adamsrow); contact with the Baddeleys on my mothers side and the tree is now at 840 souls. This year I will do what my father was unable to do; visit the Forest of Dean and stay for two to three days. Exciting stuff .

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