Louis MARFELL bn 1866 Ruardean - marriage to Evangelina (General)

by jimashton @, Tuesday, March 02, 2010, 15:36 (5477 days ago) @ LindaHinzman

Hi Linda

Sorry about the confusion regarding Evelyn she had for some strange reason been entered twice in my Family Tree (now corrected), the first correct entry as the daughter of William Henry Morgan and Evangeline Amanda Roberts, the second - incorrect entry I had Evelyn as the daughter of Hilda Kate Morgan 1895 and Victor William Arthur Peglar born 7th April 1893.

Having corrected my Family Tree as above we are no longer related. I am related to Victor William Arthur Peglar 6th cousin once removed as his mother is a Trigg.

I have today received an email from a Marfell cousin in Canada who has been following the debate. He used to be the main contact for One Name Study - Marfell Family, I met him in Vancouver a few years ago. He has given permission to add his thoughts :

Thanks Jim,

I have read yours and slowhands exchange on the FOD website, it covers the info. that I was going to discuss with Jean and yourself, but I would like to add my view of the situation which you may pass on if you wish.

A family rumour has been passed down by Louis's relatives in England that he ran off to America with a married woman, this was told to me some twenty years ago with no more details than that. Over the years it puzzled me until I came across the records on ancestry.com, these are the same records that you discuss on the website.

I have also not found a marriage certificate and actually I believe they did not formally wed. It would be very convenient and no questions would be asked if you just boarded the ship as Mr & Mrs with a young daughter, I don't expect that they asked for proof of those things, note it does show Evelyn as a MARFELL. Remember how convenient it was for Fred Marfell b. 1870 ** to change his parentage when he went to the USA and if it had not been for us, no one would have ever known!

A couple of question arise, what ever happened to Evelyn during those early years? and why did Evangalina take the one child with her? she had other children, some quite young.

** As explanation - Fred Marfell was illegitimate, I have (via this contact) a copy of his original birth certificate, also a copy of his forged one showing a father.

Jim Ashton

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