Louis MARFELL bn 1866 Ruardean - marriage to Evangelina (General)

by LindaHinzman, Monday, March 01, 2010, 19:25 (5478 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim. I'm curious why you use Peglar for my grandmother's last name? I assume an error, because her name was Evelyn Maude Morgan, then Gardner when she married Howard Isaac Gardner. There were 4 children: Bonnie, Howard & Harold (twins) and William. Howard is my father. I have info on all of their descendants if you want it. Harold and William are deceased. If you want to e-mail me directly and take the conversation off this thread, my e-mail is [Deleted by admin - see Posting Guidelines]. I'm very interested in anything you may have regarding this line (Morgan/Roberts). Thanks! Linda

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