Constance Family Longhope (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 17:06 (3892 days ago) @ patsy

Good afternoon all,
Sophie, I suspect you probably know this, but did you know you can search this forum for old "Constance" threads which may interest you. I'm not a member of the Constance family at all, however my mother was Longhope-born and her father & grandfather worked at James Constance's Saw Mill, so as a frustrated-woodworker meself their industry is of great interest to me, hence some of my past posts as below. As Shirley wisely says the Longhope website is excellent and wellworth spending time browsing thro - I found it by chance while searching the net and was delighted to see a photo of my Grampy at the Mill, the earliest we've seen of him. It was especially exciting as my Aunt noticed the photo also included my GREAT Grampy too, the only time we've seen a pic of him. The Longhope website also drew my attention to a lovely book which starts off in Longhope and is highly-recommended, see below.

From my own clumsy attempts at "placing" the Constance family tree it's clear they were (still are ?) a widespread and influential name locally as farmers etc as well as the timber business. Just a few of this forum's prior "Constance" threads are below, I hope you find them useful, please consider searching the others out.

Hoping this helps, atb Jeff

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