James Constance 1805-1890, Longhope Saw Mills Owner. (General)

by AlecF @, West Sussex, Saturday, May 21, 2016, 12:42 (3070 days ago) @ Jefff

Hello Jeff,

Thank you so much for that detailed information, which has enabled me to eliminate this person from my search.

It is interesting to see just how many Constances around Longhope were associated with the supply and crafting of wood. A researcher in the county archives is convinced there is a family connection.

"My" James Constance had a son, Alfred, from whom I am descended. Alfred had a sister Eliza, born around 1841, who married James Nelmes. The Nelmes family name has cropped up in this forum, and I would be interested in contacting whoever was enquiring. My grandmothe used to refer to a "Granny Nelmes" and I have a family wedding group in which she is included. Maybe anyone interested in the Nelmes family might like to contact me.

Best regards,

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