Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 15:33 (3499 days ago) @ diagram

Quick search on......

Gloucestershire Archives : Online Catalogue

Finding Ref: P110 CW 3/1

Title: Bond of Joseph SIER of Redmarley, stonemason and John STEEL of Littledean "architect"

Description: To remove and repair the weathercock "that it may Traverse well and turne with the Wind" repair the tower and steeple for £10 10s. 0d, and maintain tower and weathercock for 20 years.

Fod Records have a John STEEL in Littledean around that time.


Looking at Old Wills held at the Records Office on line: the spelling can be SYERE/SYER -

There is only one male SIER listed on the Men in Armour for Gloucestershire 1608

Dymock Newent

Christopher SIER - Labourer A40 (age around 40) tallest stature


'another of Josephe's daughters Abigail SIER married Richard YOUNG 1764 at Westbury...... I am trying to find out more about the YOUNG family'

Fod Records

Marriage at Westbury on Severn - 8 May 1717

Richard YOUNG married Elizabeth PLAYSTED

baptism of the above couple at WoS

Richard - 29 December 1723 - buried 5 January 1724

John & Robert - 5 February 1721

3 October 1736 - another Richard, probably the son who married Abigail SIER


If you look at Men in Armour for Gloucestershire 1608

There is one John YONGE (could well be YOUNG mistranscribed or spelt that way i.e. U instead of an N) - Husbandman, A40 tallest stature, trained. Looking at the Gloucestershire Wills - YOUNG sometimes had an E at the end.


British History Online : Westbury on Severn: Manor and other estates - has more information on the Young family

''Ley Mill Farm and Leyfold Farm, which had earlier belonged to the YOUNG family. Richard YOUNG owned 206 acres at his death in 1635, and John YOUNG, apparently his Son, held the estate in 1655 - It had passed to Richard YOUNG by 1683 and the family still owned it in 1708'

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