Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, July 27, 2015, 13:31 (3493 days ago) @ diagram

Men in Armour for Gloucester 1608

Westbury on Severn (Lower Ley)

Richard PLAISTEED fisher A40 lower stature

Westbury on Severn (Elton part of the manor or Rodley)

Thomas MAWSOONE servant to the said John PLAISTEED A40 lower stature
John PLAISTEED fisher A40 - lower stature
Alexander PLAISTEED son of John PLAISTEED Senior A40 lower stature
John PLAISTEED son of John PLAISTEED Senior A40 tallest stature
John PLAYSTEED Senior Shipwright

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