Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s (General)

by diagram @, Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 05:26 (3485 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thanks for the PLAISTED Information. They are all descendants of Thomas who moved to Westbury on Severn from Mildenhall WIL ca 1540 and had 3 surviving sons John, Thomas & William.

The Shipwrights, John and his two sons John & Alexander, are descendants of the eldest son John.

The Fisherman John is a descendant of the second son Thomas.

I am a descendant of the youngest son William who was a Weaver & Hosier.

I decided to look for William's sons Richard and Thomas, I found at Westbury on Severn (Lower Ley)
Richard PLAYSTEED hosier. A20. lower stature.

I looked at the other results you sent but I can't find the one for Richard PLAISTEED fisher A40 lower stature, maybe that is a typo?

Richard is my 9G-Grand Uncle, I can't find my ancestor Thomas who was born 1589, he was >16 so he should be there.

I find the database very hard to search, you are supposed to be able to use * as a wild card but I could only find names which I typed exactly. The place search is how I found them.


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