William Powell and Elizabeth Ann Taylor (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Wednesday, June 02, 2021, 07:11 (1357 days ago) @ lfmorgan57

More trivia for you , if you want to read about the place names shown on BDM records for the family.
(a) There is a post with a number of replies on the subject of "Hempstead". posted 3rd Dec. 2018. There are interesting replies dealing with marriages including Littleworth where William and Elizabeth Anne were living at the time of their marriage.
(b) Also another post with the subject of "Knockall" which is also interesting.
If you do a search on this forum (top right hand corner of the page)you should be able to find them.

Re the long weekend suggestion, I guess "Sco-Mo" won't be letting us travel very far for the foreseeable future.

Sid Toomey

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