My family of St. Briavels BEARD/BAKER/LEWIS (General)

by Joy Mrchant @, Sunday, September 25, 2011, 22:32 (4894 days ago) @ Susan Cuff

Hi Sue,
Thanks so much for writing. I have so much enjoyed reading the posts. I remember so many happy times on the farm and of course remember all of you well (especially 'Lu and Sue' when you were the age my little granddaughters are now).

Mum and Dad (Nu and Billy) sadly,aren't around now of course.

Yes, we came back to St Briavels for 'Bread n Cheese' several times over the years. Dave & I came one Whitsun and we also came to Aunty Ruby's funeral and met several of you again. Jean often gives me a ring at birthdays and Christmas.

I did a bit of digging into the generations back from Grannie and Grancher Baker and went right back to the 1500's thanks to this site. Although I don't know if my research was totally accurate. It amazed me to know how far back the family actually went, all within the Forest of Dean. And there were people from as far away as Canada and America, who matched up with the ancestors I was uncovering so there must have been a bit of emigration going on at some point. It would be fascinating to find out more but it's harder and more expensive to delve outside of dedicated sites like this one, which is brilliant.

I am unsure about putting too much personal information on this site for anybody to access, but I am on facebook as Joy Marchant (previously Harvey) we live at Bewdley. So if you or somebody in the family is on facebook. Provided they identify themselves as someone within the family. You or they can send me a message and I will be so pleased to put you on as a 'friend'. Then we can communicate by email and catch up even more.

Love to all your family,
from Joy x

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