Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland (General)

by Cheryl Morgan @, Monday, February 21, 2005, 11:10 (7185 days ago)

I am interested in any information about Rowland or Margaret Pitt/Pytt , High Sheriff of Newland in 1760's. Margaret owned our cottage in Raglan in 1789.

Margaret Pytt, the daughter and coheir of William Williams, married Rowland Pitt, esq. Sheriff in 1758. Margaret was the second wife of Rowland Pitt. They had two children: William and Margaret. After Rowland Pitt died in 1761 Margaret moved to The Birches in Raglan, and being a lady of wealth and disctinction was known as Madam Pitt. Both children died in adulthood without issue and are remembered in Plaques in St Cadoc's Church. (Bradney's The Hundred of Raglan, 1914, p31).

I also have an excerpt from Rowland Pytt will that reads (as best I can decifer)

In the name of God, amen, I Rowland Pytt of Newland in the County of Gloucestor, Iron master, being of sound mind to make my last will xx xx my just debts be in the first place paid xx from it the tuition and guardianship of the children I shall be blessed with at my death unto my dearly beloved wife Margaret and unto my esteemed friends xx pomfray and his brother Francis ? ssomfray and my faithful agent John Platt and survivors and survivor of xx until both of my sons shall attain the age of twenty one years respectively and xx by virtue of my marriage articles and some other xx or writings made and xx in consequence thereof there is a provision made for my wife and children in such manor as xx is particularly xx Now I do therefore give and bequeath all my real estate which xx a right or power to dispose of xx my two sons John and William Rowland Pytt and their heirs respectively equally between them share and share alike respectively to hold the same as tenants in common and not as joint tenants from my will is that such as my personal estate as I have a right to dispose of shall go and be applied in the like manner as I have willed in my said real estate as near as the law will permit the same to go and be applied and my will and desire further is that all my trade undertaking, works and business of which shall be carrying on at my decease shall be continued and carried on by my executors hereinafter named or by their direction upon trust and for the benefit and an amount of my said sons both as to profit and xx until they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years and I do will that so long as the said business shall be xx xx

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