Cold Harbour (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Monday, June 07, 2021, 23:23 (1343 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

You may already be aware of the following but if not, read on.
To find an old place or location i generally use either or both of the maps provided by :-
National Library of Scotland- Ordnance Survey Maps
Know your Place- Gloucestershire.
In this instance i used "Know Your Place - Gloucestershire (reason being is that it also has an information interlayer where other enthusiasts may have loaded photographs or information about a particular place which , if you are lucky, relate to your search)
When you first open the site you should be presented with a modern map which for me always seems to be centred on Gloucester Prison.
To get to Cold Harbour, I used the search facility in the box on the right of the screen. There weren't any results for Cold Harbour so i used "St Briavels". Picking one of the results and following the link, i ended up with a map showing St Briavels Castle Location. Because i know the modern "Cold Harbour Road" is located South West of the Castle, i dragged the modern map in that direction following the path of "Lower Road". You will come to an intersection of several roads, one of which is Cold Harbour Road.

Once i centred the modern map on "Cold Harbour Road" as the "Main Map" shown in the screen heading on the right of your screen, i selected a "comparison map" from the maps which will display in the box. The one i used was the "1844-1888 OS- 1st Edition".
By dragging the vertical screen divider left or right you can compare an old map with its modern version. Also in some searches you can also see Tithe maps for the area you are searching although "Murphy's Law" will generally prevail where the one you are looking for will be absent.

The National Library of Scotland site is also very good with an added feature of having a split screen of an old map synchronised beside a modern ? satellite view of the location. I am always amazed at how accurate the old mapping systems were.

Good luck

Sid Toomey

PS. If you do purchase the Tithe Map from Geoff Watkin, for my own interest, i would be curious to know the location of plot 394 which was the one occupied by William Court.

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