Cold Harbour (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Tuesday, June 08, 2021, 08:49 (1351 days ago) @ izzybfw


I definitely do NOT consider myself an expert in Genealological research. If pushed, i would probably describe myself as stubborn.
Anything i have learnt about this research stuff has come about mostly through reading, which i enjoy. Along the way, helpful hints in my own searches have come from members of this Forum, for which i am eternally grateful.
Two things i have learnt which might not be obvious to some, is to glean everything possible from a document, don't just glance at it.
Sometimes i have found answers for my own search by looking in to neighbours (on a Census Return).
Also, i find that the deeper you can delve in to a particular person or location or time period, the more information there is available.

Historical Newspapers can also be a good source for information. I will have a quick look to see what comes up.

Re your brick wall. I don't mind if you start a new thread. If i can help i will. This helps me learn more which is helpful for my own research. The main drawback for me is that i will probably get sidetracked reading about something interesting.

Re your trip to St. Briavels this weekend, i did a Google street view walk around the village today and there are quite a lot of old looking buildings there. (Although British History on line did state that in the early 19th Century a number of cottages were demolished) I live in Australia and i am always astounded how I can spend a good amount of time looking at maps of parts of the UK and roads which look like they would carry a fair bit of traffic turn out to be a country lane scarcely wide enough for one vehicle when viewed on Google Street View.
I will have a look at some of William and Charles neighbours from the 1841/51 Census and Tithe Apportionment Data base to see if I can pinpoint the locations of some of them where the building still exists today. I can visualise myself sitting in the George Inn having a pint of good cold beer, knowing that there would be a good chance that William or Charles actually drank there. Unless of course they were Teetotallers.

Sid Toomey

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