Thomas Phipps (Urgent)

by MPGriffiths @, Sunday, November 05, 2023, 09:05 (471 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Hereford Journal Wednesday 21 January 1857

Has a long article headed



Goes into details of the fight/witnesses and the findings of Chas E THOMPSON, Esq. Surgeon,

Ends by stating.

The verdict of the jury was - that THOMAS PHIPPS did, on the 5th January, feloniously slay and kill AARON ROBERTS, and the prisoner was thereupon committed for trial.


Hereford Journal - Wednesday 1 April 1857 (THE Assizes took place Thursday last) - again quite a long article

HEREFORD ASSIZES - (gives Thomas PHIPPS aged which was 27)

'His Lordship having explained the law of manslaughter, left it to the jury to say if this was a case in which they thought there was no excess on the part of the prisoner, and if so they were to find a verdict of not guilty; but if they were of the opinion that PHIPPS was the aggressor they would find a verdict of guilty. He hardly thought the evidence would support that view of the case; for it was evident, that ROBERTS the deceased, was doing all he could to get PHIPPS to fight, which PHIPPS was adverse to, and evidently anxious to avoid.'

The jury immediately returned a verdict of NOT QUILTY.

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