Littledean Woodside - Joseph TINGLE of Flaxley (General)

by Bradley Tingle, Saturday, February 24, 2024, 17:26 (357 days ago) @ slowhands

Slowhands, I do have Joseph Tingle in my database which gives me the honour of being his 2nd cousin 5x removed. He is the son of William Tingle and Elizabeth Probert and the grandson of Robert Tingle and Joannah Haynes and great grandson of James Tingle and Ann(a) Rock which is where I connect to this family. Joseph Tingle's application as a Freeminer gives his date of birth as 27 Nov 1769 at Little Dean Hill but his baptism shows him being baptised 16 Feb 1773 at Little Dean. He married Jane Cooper of Flaxley 19 Dec 1796. In 1838 (on his Free Miner application) he stated that he was a collier who worked at Middleridge which is interesting. So, with your help I think we've figured out how my Tingle family related to the foundry Tingle family and I'm grateful for your help.

I'm beginning to think that the dates of birth given on the Free Miner Applications are best guesses and not necessarily accurate even within years of birth.

I suspect you are the one who can answer a question I've had concerning this Tingle family and why in 1834 his descendants would have to do an inventory regarding their grandfather's death in 1789. Was it to do with the application form as a Free Miner and perhaps to prove the connection to the Tingle's Level Mine? I'm referring to this administration document:

17th July 1834, Admon Robert TINGLE d. 1789
On which day appeared personally Joseph Tingle of Littledean Woodside in the County and Diocese of Gloucester coal miner, deceased and alleged upon oath that Robert Tingle late of the same place coal miner deceased died in the year 1789 Intestate leaving goods chattels and credits wholly within the Diocease of Gloucester Under the value of Twenty pounds - That he the said Joseph Tingle is the natural and lawful grandson the son of a son and next of kin of the said deceased - That he will well and faithfully administer the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased and render an Inventory and Account etc.

Wherefore he prayed that Letters of Administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased might be granted and committed to him upon giving such good and sufficient security as in this behalf is required and so forth.

Set Admon ? as prayed Security having been given.
(illegible signature) Principal ?
Sworn under 20 GBP Before me
All which I attest
Tho. Hall joint Dep. Regr.

The grandson had to create an inventory over 50 years after his grandfather's death. Why?

Isn't family history research interesting!

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