Julia PARRY - COLLINS nee JENKINS 1849-1932 Ruspidge (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Sunday, March 31, 2019, 19:51 (2150 days ago) @ CINDERFORD PARRY/COLLINS

The transcription of the baptism of Edith COLLINS on FODFHT gives the occupation of her father, Thomas, as a collier. However, the original image on Ancestry gives it as “Manager of Cooperative Stores”.

BNA Gloucester Journal - Saturday 12 July 1879

CINDERFORD. A Missing Secretary. —Considerable excitement has recently arisen in this district relative to the absence from home of Mr. Thomas Collins, secretary to the Cinderford Industrial Co-operative Association, and check weighman for the colliers at Lightmoor, and ex-secretary to the East Dean Ratepayers Protection Society. There are rumours that he had absconded, while it is fact that on Friday a warrant was obtained for his apprehension and placed in the hands of Sergt. Ford. On Sunday the Sergeant succeeded in arresting the missing secretary at Hereford railway station, with a Liverpool ticket in his possession. Collins is charged with obtaining £38, the property of the Co-operative Society. On Saturday the accounts of the society were placed in the hands of Mr. Wilkins, of Gloucester, the result of which investigation will doubtless adduced in support of the charge. On Friday night the colliers employed at Lightmoor assembled after their day’s labour for the purpose of electing a check weighman in the place of Mr. Thomas Collins. The choice fell upon Mr. Burrice,a young man who for some time was disabled from following his duties at the colliery.

From Ancestry Gloucestershire Prison Records

Name: COLLINS Thomas
Date and place of conviction: 31 July 1879, County Assizes
Offence: Obtaining money by false pretences
Sentence: Six months hard labour
Age, Height and colour of hair: 30.7m, 5.7, Bro.
Occupation: Check weighman
Religion and Birthplace: Church, Bristol
Number of previous convictions: Nil
Date of Discharge: Jan 30 1880

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