William PARRY WW1 1885 - 1916 RIP (General)

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, September 14, 2023, 14:01 (400 days ago) @ CINDERFORD PARRY/COLLINS

Year: 1885
Month: Mar
Day: 19
Parents_Surname: PARRY
Child_Forenames: William
Fathers_Forenames: William
Mothers_Forenames: Julia
Residence: Upper Bilson (Cinderford)
Officiating_Minister: William Cumberland
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Born Jan[uary] 23 1885
Register_Reference: D2598 2/12
Page_Number: 27
Parish_Chapel: Cinderford Methodist

W Parry 3rd July 1916

The list of Foresters who have made the
Great sacrifice in the present war or who are
Missing has, unfortunately, received further
Additions. Anxiety has for some time been felt
By his friends in respect of the fate of No 12202
Wiliam Parry, aged 31, single a native of
Cinderford and the son of the late Mr William
Parry and Mrs Julia Parry, St Johns. Several
Communications have been received in the district
From a comrade in which his death is
Referred to, and Mrs Parry has had a letter from
An officer of the Gloucestershire Regt. In which
He says :- “ Dear Madam, It grieves me very
Deeply to have to inform you that after we had
Been in action from the 3rd to the 5th inst.
Your son W. Parry was found to be missing.
I have asked everyone who was likely to have
Been with him during the fight if they had seen
Anything of him, but regret to say that no one
Appears to have seen him or known anything
About him. There is a slight chance that he
May have been wounded and taken prisoner by
The Germans, but I greatly fear that we can
Hold out little hope of this having taken place,
And we must console ourselves with the thought
That he died like a man, fighting for his country
On ground won back from the enemy – the finest
Death a man can die. The N.C.O.s and the men of
No. 16 platoon, by whom he was very greatly
Liked, wish to join me in this message of sympathy
To you in your great loss. Believe me,
Yours faithfully Campbell Keith P.S. I shall
Immediately inform you if I hear anything
Further of him .”

Private Parry worked as a collier at Lightmoor
And he was well liked and respected by
All. A brother is now in training for service.
His aged mother and other relatives have the
Deepest sympathy of our many readers.

"Corpl Harry Parry was killed in action on July 3rd 1916 at the battle of the Somme, after 11 months at the front. The battle of the Somme started July 1st 1916. The leading 8th battalion failed to take it. The 13th Glo'ster Regiment was ordered to go up to the front line to take La Boiseville on July 3rd, they were told the artillery had cleared the way, but as they approached the Germans came out of hiding. They had dug outs 50 foot underground, a lot of men were slaughtered. Harry was killed that day, no known grave, but his name is on the Thiepval Memorial, along with 72,000 others, all killed in the battle of the Somme. Harry's brother Jack Parry was also with the 13th Glo'sters, told his family that he had passed Harry on the trek to the front, he called to him 'see you', but that was the last he saw of him."

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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